Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am resigned to completing my education online. Unfortunately, I will no longer have child care for my girls and I will have to switch to taking all of my classes online in order to complete my degree. This is going to be a huge hurtle for me to overcome. I will have to really work on my time management. I am taking four classes next quarter. I will be taking English III, Intro To Micro Computing, and Law/Legal Terminology. I barely had enough time to get my English homework and steno practice in last quarter. I am just not sure how it is all going to work out. However, I know that I will make it work. I can do it without anyone's help. I have done more than this before by myself.

The only thing is that I will have to do my work split up throughout the day. It looks like the best times will be really early in the morning, during nap time in the afternoon, and then again really late at night. My love works from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the coffee shop and then again from 5 p.m. to about 10 or 11 p.m. So I am with the girls for all of that time.

This will work, it must. I need a real job for my family, for myself, and for our futures.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Last Week

So begins the last week of my summer quarter at court reporting school. And no, I did not get my hours of practice done again. It was a very busy three-day weekend. We had family in town and I had to work so there was really no time to do anything else but the activities and sleep. I am really looking forward to the break that is coming up. I am going into it with a cup half-full outlook. This means that I am planning on reviewing my theory, practicing on my steno machine, and getting all of my briefs and phrases organized, updating and backing up my dictionary, donating all the clutter in our house, decorating the girls room; all this before we go to Texas on July 1st.

Very optimistic of me to plan all of that; right?

The reality of it is probably more like; I will get the basic up-keep cleaning done, a little practice, and the rest of the time will be hanging out with my girls and trying to keep them educationally entertained.

Wish me luck.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mutants, Pirates, Fairies, Knights...

This weekend was extremely busy! My love and I went to see X Men: First Class. Let me just say, it was freaking amazing. Well, the director was Matthew Vaughn who did such other amazing films as Layer Cake, and Neil Gaiman's Stardust. I have always been a huge fan of James McAvoy who did an excellent job of portraying Professor X. However, I have to say, Michael Fassbender was superb as Magneto. I think he will probably be the new tough-guy heart-throb following the footsteps of Hugh Jackman. Speaking of Wolverine, his cameo in First Class was so perfect!

We also got down to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur. It was a really good time as it is every year. I do wish that there was a bit more variety from year to year. Our girls had a really good time.

With all of the activities this weekend, I did not get all of my practice time in again. I am having a really hard time pushing myself to practice or increase speed. I think it is a mix of being so tired all of the time from my under-active thyroid and a bit of summer fever setting in. All I want is to have fun with my family and friends after school.

Is there a cure for summer fever?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stuck in the wheel.

The past week has been a little rough. I have just been stuck in the middle of a very bad case of doldrums. I have been completely unmotivated toward anything related to school. It is very discouraging to have to clock in 6 hours on a repetitive exercise each week. I feel like my writing will not improve unless I have time to do a variety of work. I need to be able to review my theory, work on learning briefs, and building speed from dictation. Unfortunately, my requirements in the 100 speed class are strictly practicing to the dictations online. UGH!

I am getting really excited for our summer break!