Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Practice Practice!

Tonight was not as productive on the practice front as I would like. I spent two hours pounding out practice exercises on the writing machine. My heart and head was not really in it, at all. Those particular organs were focused on my true love, Roller Derby. Yes, I love it. Tonight was date night for the husband and I. He dutifully took me to see a new Derby documentary about the Rose City Roller Girls called, Brutal Beauty. It was really well done! We had a great time. We had the entire theater to ourselves since it was Halloween and everyone else must have been out trick-or-treating or partying, respectively.
The rest of the evening was spent attempting to figure out how I would ever be able to fit Derby practice in with everything else we have going on. I have wanted to try out for the Denver Roller Dolls ever since I first got my hands on Knockdown Knits, by Joan Of Dark. It is a knitting book filled with patterns for such wonderful things as crutch pads, ice pack holders, arm slings, and other injury/derby related items. After going to my first bout when the Dolls were still at the Fillmore, I was hooked. I know that Roller Derby has taken off like mad the last few years. And with movies like, Whip It, and reality t.v. shows, well there are a lot of people interested in the sport. Therefore, lots of competition. I want to have a fighting chance when I do try out, so, practice, practice... Which brings us back to practice writing for school... I am tapped out for tonight. One can only write so many sentences with so many of the same words. Quiz this week. Keep your fingers crossed!

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