Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Playing Hookey

Today I am not in school. Why? Several reasons, I have to try to figure out how we are going to pay an increasing amount in back bills as well as our up and coming bills. Something, that when you are out of school at 2 p.m., is just not easily done in the remaining business hours of the day. Why is it that when you are struggling to make life better for yourself and your family, that everything else seems to get harder? I know, the Universe wants to see if I really want to work towards my goals. I really wish the Universe would cut us a little slack.
My fellow students are sitting in class right now, learning how to write the capital alphabet for acronyms like, FBI, CIA, etc. And they are working on a lot of dictation I suppose as that was the only new thing we were to learn today. I used our independent study hour yesterday to go over what was going to be covered today, so I am confident that I will not fall behind.
I really dislike independent study hour. It is usually the last hour of the day, and we work on whatever we want. Most people do the online dictation or work on reading the steno notes. Having kids and a husband I hardly ever see, I would much rather come home an hour earlier. However, having the extra hour of uninterrupted study time is good too.
Well, I have to get some productive "grown-up" things accomplished today. Even though all I want to do is go to Cinebarre and watch a movie and have a beer.

1 comment:

  1. Growing up can really suck! Stay positive and the Universe will reward you for your hard work.
