Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

UG and UD

We are currently learning more complicated two and three stroke words. Eliminating the indistinct "schwa" vowel sounds and adding UD or UG, i.e. timid = TEUM/UD or designate = DEZ/UG/NAEUT. FUN!!
Yesterday, we had a late start day due to the 8 inches of snow we received. I was unaware of this because we were told that we can count on Jefferson County schools as to whether we would have a snow day or not. Having grown up in Jefferson County, and NEVER having snow days, I figured it would be school as usual. However, I walked into an empty classroom and had an hour to practice on my own.
I am still finding that the concepts this quarter are coming quite easily to me. I know that next quarter, when we are working on speed building, is when I will have some difficulty.
Goal: Work on speed building now.

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