Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

80 Speed Class -- FAIL:

That's right. FAIL. I am in my first week of my 80 speed class and have failed each of my tests each day. I am simply not fast enough. I am trying to practice more, but unfortunately have quite a lot on my daily plate. I am also just having the worst test anxiety. I am writing fine during our warm up and then, BOOM! the test begins and I freeze.

So, literary test week has gone by and I have not passed any tests. Therefore, I will have to wait three weeks until I can try for my literary test.

My grumpy cloud is following me again...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like those speed tests are rough! So glad I found your blog so we can keep up a bit. Praying for you as you continue this journey!
