Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Falling In It...

So, this weekend has probably been the most unproductive weekend of the quarter. I fell in a hole while carrying my 18 month old in the Ergo carrier, and walking two adorable and rambunctious dogs. I was attempting to house sit for a friend of mine and ended up in urgent care for most of Friday evening. My left foot is badly sprained, along with the ankle.

I will regale you with the fascinating story...

There I am, about 5:30 p.m. in a very nice neighborhood getting two small dogs leashed up while my daughter is giggling because they are licking her face. She loves dogs, and all animals. I thought about taking my cell phone in the pocket of the Ergo carrier she was riding in. If you are not familiar with this carrier, it is a multi-functional back saving baby carrier. Amelie was riding in the front position. I decided, nah, who needs a cell phone to take a quick walk. Mistake number one. I grabbed the house keys so I could lock the door, and off we went.

The dogs were excited to go and were pulling a bit, but not too hard. We crossed the street and went down a couple of blocks. There was a big grassy field, and I thought that the dogs had not done their business yet, so maybe a stroll in the grass would put them in the mood. I was not paying attention to where I was walking. Mistake number two. I was sporting my mary jane Crocs. Mistake number three.

I fell into a hole that upon reflection, was quite well hidden in the grass. I went down so fast that I did not have time to catch myself properly. I only had time to make sure that Amelie did not hit the ground as I did. I felt my entire ankle flop to the side in a grotesque and unnatural way. I did not try to stand as I knew that it would be fruitless. My foot began to swell...

There were two little kids a block away riding their bicycles in circles around their house. I started yelling for them and they took a while to figure out that I was not some weird child snathcher trying to lure them over. They grabbed their mom and grandfather and they all made their way over to me. They turned out to be a very nice family and got me in a chair and brought me water. They held Amelie and played with the dogs until my Mom was able to get there and help me out. My foot began to swell even more...

By the time I got done with urgent care, I had a disc of x-rays, and fancy new boot like something out of a steampunk comic. In fact, I may go home and spray paint it brass and put gears on it...

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