Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Secrets of the RPR revealed:

Not really. I didn't learn any real secrets. Sorry to disappoint. However, I did get to get a feel for what the RPR is like here in Denver as I volunteered my Saturday to help out with the big test.

The test is usually held at Prince Institute - Rocky Mountains, formerly Denver Academy of Court Reporting. It is a small campus that is very near and dear to my heart as that is where I began my journey of becoming, hopefully, one day, a kick-arse international reporter. However, this small and friendly campus is going to be closing its doors soon. Having a small amount of students on its roster, and a huge company like Stenograph owning the school, it wasn't bound to last long as a brick and mortar. There are some very dedicated and caring teachers that I will be sad to see go as a result of this change.

However, what I really wanted to write about was the experience of volunteering to help with the running of the RPR. If you are a student, I highly recommend that you do this should the opportunity present itself to you. I spent most of the day chatting with working reporters, a freelance firm owner, and CCRA and NCRA members. The sheer amount of knowledge, humorous stories, and advice that I received from spending a day hanging around with people I want to be like someday was incredible. That, alone, is worth any number of Saturdays. Not to mention, had I not been at the RPR today, I would have been stuck in the shop convincing customers to add on a pair of tights to their dress purchase. Doesn't that sound like as much fun as eating nails?

So, what to expect. If you're like me, and want to know what the environment is like because you're hoping to take the test in the fall, then read on, dear reader:

You will arrive at least 30 minutes early for the test. You will bring your ID, your confirmation e-mail from NCRA telling you all the important bits, especially your NCRA ID number (do not get this wrong, it causes all sorts of headaches for all involved), your writer (duh), a printer, and a USB drive. You may want a fan for your laptop, bottles of water, a power cord for your laptop, your own surge protector, and any other accessories that make writing on your machine work. Also, bring your own practice material that is already saved somewhere to your computer.

Don't count on a testing site to have wireless, or for that matter, any kind of internet connection. They don't always have that available depending on how the test is administered.

Also, this is very, very important: come in with a good attitude.

I observed quite the range of attitudes and demeanors in those taking the test today. I guarantee you, those who came in smiling, for the most part, walked out smiling.

You will have time to warm up and practice a bit beforehand. However, don't rely on that to be your only practice. Common sense here, people.

You may end up practicing in a different room than you test in. Be prepared to move your stuff to another room to test in, and yet another to transcribe in. Try to not let this be a bee in your bonnet. I know this test is make-or-break for a lot of people, but really, in real life you may have to switch rooms every once in a while, it's not the end of the world, I promise.

This time, the tests were on a previously prepared CD. I didn't go into the testing room, so I can't tell you what it's like in there. I imagine, since it is at my school, that it is a lot like it was taking a test while in school: You find a place, set up, and write to a dictation. All the while, trying to attempt to keep your hands from shaking, your mind from going blank, you know, all those lovely test anxiety symptoms we've all had. Then you will save to a USB, delete all testing material from every nook and cranny on your computer and machine, and head into a room to print your notes and transcribe whatever legs of the test you would like. 

You will then turn in your notes and transcripts in an envelope, or fill out a special paper stating that you are declining to transcribe. As with all tests, I urge you to transcribe. It's good to do it, even if you didn't get it. Hey, you never know, perhaps you were closer than you thought.

One of the testers had a good response to this: "I'm paying for this test, so no matter how awful it is, I'm making them (NCRA) grade it, make them earn my money."

Also, if you are a student and in your 200-225 classes. Take this test ASAP. Do it while you're in school. Everyone I spoke to couldn't stress enough the importance of getting this certification out of the way while still in school. The reason being, you are continually practicing and you are in test-mode anyway. You test every week in school, right? I do. I'm sure that this isn't really all that different from the 5 minute literary, jury charge, and testimony tests you are used to taking each week. It just costs more to take, and can lead to your potential job placement. Also, working reporters don't really have time to practice between writing at jobs and producing transcripts. Don't make it harder for yourself if you don't have to.

Now, I may sound very cavalier about this whole thing, and that may change later when I am actually the one taking the test. Who knows. I hope that I stay a bit more on the positive side about it, though. Really, ask yourselves, when it comes down to it, if you fail, what's the harm? Luckily, you don't have to pass all 3 legs at once anymore, you get another chance, you can take 3 times to pass, if needed.

Breathe. Remember to breathe. You're not a failure if you didn't get it this time. Breathe. You can do it. Breathe. Imagine yourself back in your 80 speeds, did you ever think you would be here getting ready to walk into the RPR test? Breathe. How many other people in the world can take a different language, write it on a piano-like machine, and do this verbatim at 225, 180, 200 words per minute? Let alone, 60 words per minute? BREATHE.

Those were my experiences and observations today at the RPR. I hope to see more of you lovely people in the fall when I'll be among the test takers, trying hard to remember to just breathe.


  1. That was a great piece, thank you! As someone who will likely never sit one of these tests, it was very informative! I really can't believe you have to bring your own printer. Really?! They can't just provide a few for everyone to use?

    1. Yes, isn't that crazy? Most people had sensibly smaller printers, but some had to lug rather large, bulky things along with their computers and machines. I almost expected to see a fax come through. And, you have to have it be wired, no blue tooth or wireless printers. Some things just seem so medieval...

  2. Do you get to print your rough transcript and your notes? Do we edit on paper then? Great writing, I enjoyed your inside scoop :)

    1. You can print your notes, and then you edit on your computer and print and submit it all in an envelope. :) Depending on your machine. So if you have a paper note machine, you'll already have your notes and will transcribe from them. Thanks for the compliments.
