Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Find the humortunities and reduce stress!

That's right, your humortunities! We had a guest speaker, Karyn Ruth who is a motivational comic, give a very entertaining presentation on reducing stress. As I walked into the assembly room I noticed neon pink pieces of paper on each seat. Sitting down, I scanned over the page that had tips on living and laughing with less stress. Toward the bottom of the page there was the phrase, "Look for humortunities." I knew that the speaker was supposed to be some sort of motivational speaker, and prepared myself for a great big cheese fest about how we needed to breathe, meditate, empower, consider the other person's feelings in our moment of frustration, etc.
However, Karyn Ruth was no such motivational speaker. She was amazing! I literally laughed for an hour straight. She was not cheesy or overly sentimental, but she was motivational. She talked about finding humor in stressful moments, evaluating situations and how to stop beating ourselves up for being human. She advised us to ask three things when we find ourselves in a most "human" moment, i.e. locking our keys in the car, while it is running. Those three things were: What can I learn from this, what do I want to create from this moment forward, and would this be funny if it were happening to someone else?
She also advised us to find our humortunities. To focus on the humorous and interesting things around us. For example, the next time you're going through a revolving door and someone is waiting to go through next, just keep going. Wave and smile at them each time you pass.

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