Becoming A Court Reporter And Other Adventures

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hello World!

Well, it has been a while since I have written anything new. Sorry for the dry well. Things are getting more and more complicated in Theory. We are learning to unlearn previous rules and having to apply a lot of memorization to how certain words should be written. I am finding that I hear and pronounce words quite differently from other classmates. Has anyone else noticed that I talk funny?

English has been crazy! A huge amalgamation of frustration! (Say that five times fast!) We are half way through our group project and I do not remain hopeful about the end result. I think I will be lucky to pull through with a grade of B. For yeah, you were able to Bullshit your way through this Bunch of Bull.

Steampunk! I love everything and anything related to steampunk. I want to steampunk my Steno machine!

If you want an amazing fantasy/sci-fi/steampunk/adventure book to read please pick up The Court Of The Air, by Stephen Hunt. And while you're at it the rest of the books in his Jackals series for me too. I accept personal delivery, Fed-X, UPS, USPS...

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